One hundred seventy-three
One hundred seventy-three
One hundred seventy-three
One hundred seventy-three
One hundred seventy-three

One hundred seventy-three

I'll have another

Why choosing a number? Every number is an object, every number tells a story, it’s not really up to us to know


what that story actually is. It could have been a word, the name of a loved one, an historical event; it is just the starting point of an untold tale, where the plot and characters are yet to be experienced. Every object is already there, ignored, forgotten, misunderstood. As humans we love to narrate stuff, it’s the only way to make sense out of things we don’t


really understand: we make them human-like, we make ourselves the metaphorical devices through which we can participate with those objects.

artist's book
105x144 mm
32 pages
ISBN 978-88-947034-4-3